National Assembly for Wales / Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Health and Social Care Committee/ Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol


Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill / Bil Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Gofal Cymdeithasol (Cymru)

Evidence from Independent Consultative Group – RISC 41 / Tystiolaeth gan Grwp Ymgynghori Annibynnol – RISC 41



Consultative Group feedback 15th April 2015 on the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill.

N.B. The WWAPS consultative group is an elected body of Adult Placement (Shared Lives) carers and nominated service users. The group is relatively independent of the organisation/WWAPS, it has an independent chair and its own terms of reference. 


Drawn from the notes of the ‘feedback’ meeting the group provides the following comments and in relation  to Adult Placement services only.


1.           Do you think the Bill as drafted will deliver the stated aims (to secure well-being for citizens and to improve the quality of care and support in Wales) and objectives set out in Section 3 (paragraph 3.15) of the Explanatory Memorandum? Is there a need for legislation to achieve these aims?

“The new bill will have little effect on Inspection and Regulation if it does not recognise and promote good practise. The group considered how without being able to understand the relevant service model being regulated fully, acknowledging and supporting positive outcomes for people will remain disconnected from the inspection of service providers.  

The inspection process may become  shortened and more quality and outcome based.”


2.        What are the potential barriers to implementing the provisions of the Bill (if an) and does the Bill adequately take account of them?

“The ability to engage with people who both provide and receive Adult Placement services without them being treated as part of the ‘regulated body’ was considered a challenged. The group did not want Adult Placement carers or their homes to become the focus of the any inspectors in the future but would welcome having an opportunity to have a voice and have their say. “ 


3.   Do you think there are any issues relating to equality in protection for different groups of service users with the current provisions in the Bill?

“not discussed”

4.   Do you think there are any major omissions from the Bill or are there any elements you believe should be strengthened?

“In relation to adult Placement it was not clear how consultation would take place with AP Carers and service users. The group reiterated that they did not feel it to be beneficial to directly inspect AP Carer homes, this was not clear nor was their any reference to how consultation could take  if AP Carers wanted to have their say.”

5.   Do you think that any unintended consequences will arise from the Bill?

“not discussed”


6.  What are your views on the provisions in Part 1 of the Bill for the regulation of social care services? For example moving to a service based model of regulation, engaging with the public, and powers to introduce inspection quality ratings and to charge fees.

“In general the group thought it positive to have some sort of measure and illustration of quality, how this should be done was not agreed upon. There was however general agreement that consultation should be broader than it perhaps is now to include those people who both directly and indirectly receive AP services”

Charges were not discussed


7.   What are your views on the provisions in Part 1 of the Bill for the regulation of local authority social services? For example, the consideration of outcomes for service users in reviews of social services performance, increased public involvement, and a new duty to report on local markets for social care services.


“not discussed”


8.   What are your views on the provisions in Part 1 of the Bill for the development of market oversight of the social care sector? For example, assessment of the financial and corporate sustainability of service providers and provision of a national market stability report.

“not discussed”


9.   What are your views on the provisions in Part 3 of the Bill to rename and reconstitute the Care Council for Wales as Social Care Wales and extend its remit?

“not discussed”


10.        What are your views on the provisions in Parts 4 - 8 of the Bill for workforce regulation? For example, the proposals not to extend registration to new categories of staff, the removal of voluntary registration, and the introduction of prohibition orders.

“not discussed”

11.        What are your views on the provisions in Part 9 of the Bill for co-operation and joint working by regulatory bodies?


“not discussed”


12.        In your view does the Bill contain a reasonable balance between what is included on the face of the Bill and what is left to subordinate legislation and guidance?


“not discussed”


13.        What are your views on the financial implications of the Bill as set out in parts 6 and 7 of the Explanatory Memorandum?


“not discussed”



Other comments

14. Are there any other comments you wish to make about specific sections of the Bill?


The following  was discussed:

“That lay people are a part of the inspection process. This may be less intimidated for AP Carers and Service Users. However, they would need to have experience in the care sector.”